"A house does not have to be perfect to be a home of joy, a child does not have to behave perfectly to love and be loved, and every moment of life does not have to be perfect to be of value. Too often, I realize, we fail to see the glorious reality of the simple joy that abounds in the seemingly mundane routine of day-to-day living. Instead, we tend to idolize the past, idealize the future, and devalue the present.... What better way to show our appreciation to Heavenly Father for what we have than to embrace our lives, albeit 'ordinary' and 'unexciting,' with joy?"

--Winnie Dalley; Ensign, March 1998

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin!

October 23rd marked Justin's 32 Birthday! At his request, we had a party with our little family, dining on swedish meatballs (with lingonberries, of course!) and had carrot cake cupcakes for dessert!

The Birthday Boy

Blowing out his candles

Cooper was quite impressed with Justin's candle-blowing out abilities!

Chloe chowing down on a cupcake

Cooper thought he was HILARIOUS looking through the balloons. I must admit that his face pressed up against the balloon is pretty funny!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! (BTW, Blake has that same outfit as Cooper! Gotta love Costco)

Carissalayla said...

Theo has the same outfit too, I guess my mom got it at Costo! very funny-

Jen said...

Happy Birthday Justin. I love you!