"A house does not have to be perfect to be a home of joy, a child does not have to behave perfectly to love and be loved, and every moment of life does not have to be perfect to be of value. Too often, I realize, we fail to see the glorious reality of the simple joy that abounds in the seemingly mundane routine of day-to-day living. Instead, we tend to idolize the past, idealize the future, and devalue the present.... What better way to show our appreciation to Heavenly Father for what we have than to embrace our lives, albeit 'ordinary' and 'unexciting,' with joy?"

--Winnie Dalley; Ensign, March 1998

Friday, January 1, 2010

Introducing Piper Sofia Baron!

She was two weeks late, but worth the wait! Piper made her fashionably late arrival into this world on Sunday, December 27th at 10:06am. She weighed in at 7lbs 3oz and measured 19.5 inches long.

The story of Piper's birth:

Possibly, in an effort to make up for making me go two weeks past her due date, once she decided it was time to be born, she was all about business! I woke up Sunday morning at 4:30 having regular contractions, but nothing painful. As I'd had quite a few episodes of contracting for hours only to have them peeter out, I didn't give it too much thought and got up and started making myself busy around the house. At about 5am, I noticed the contractions were getting closer together, I woke Justin and we decided to call my mom to come watch the kiddos and called our midwife to let her know. She told me to head to the hospital when I felt like I needed to and call her when we were on our way. My mom came over and we hung out for a little while as the contractions continued to get closer together. We got to the hospital at about 7:15am, my contractions were about 3 minutes apart. My water broke a bit after 8:30, at which time the contractions became quite stronger and closer together. The nurse "decided" I got to stay (I hadn't informed her that I was NOT leaving without giving birth first, no matter what her opinion was... I was two weeks over due, for goodness sake!) and we left triage and went to a room. I was in a lot of pain, asked to be checked, and was dialated to a six. Based on my loooong previous labors (48 hours and 26 hours), I figured that I had hours to go still and decided the pain was too intense to last that long! I requested an epidural and the nurse went off to page the anesthesiologist. 15 minutes later, the anesthesiologist made his arrival and started prepping my back for the epidural. Suddenly I felt tons of pressure and the urge to push... the nurse checked me again and suprigingly, I was fully dialated and baby Piper was on her way out! No wonder the contractions hurt so bad-- I had been in transition! With a smile on her face, the nurse said to me, "Unfortunately you know what this means... too late for the epidural!" I was quite aware of this before she made it a point to tell me. My midwife was on her way to the hospital from another birth, so the nurse hopped on the intercom and hollered for them to send anyone available in, because there was a baby coming quickly. Seven or eight contractions later, Piper was born!

We're all home and settling into being a family of five! Chloe and Cooper both adore Piper and want to know where she is or what she is doing at all times.

Just Born:

Taking a bath with mom to get cleaned up:

Happy Daddy:

All loaded up and ready to go home:

Trying out the swing for the first time:

Five days new, ringing in the New Year with Mom and Dad:


Grossarths said...

Oh so precious! I wish we were there to see her in person. Kevin and I were just talking about how we miss Seattle! I'm glad that Chloe and Cooper love Piper so much already.

Rachael said...

She's beautiful! How is having three? We are going to join you with three this Wednesday. I love living in this highly Republican state where they induce at 39 weeks. Love it, love it! Congrats, and good luck!

Carissalayla said...

so adorable, I love her!