"A house does not have to be perfect to be a home of joy, a child does not have to behave perfectly to love and be loved, and every moment of life does not have to be perfect to be of value. Too often, I realize, we fail to see the glorious reality of the simple joy that abounds in the seemingly mundane routine of day-to-day living. Instead, we tend to idolize the past, idealize the future, and devalue the present.... What better way to show our appreciation to Heavenly Father for what we have than to embrace our lives, albeit 'ordinary' and 'unexciting,' with joy?"

--Winnie Dalley; Ensign, March 1998

Sunday, December 13, 2009


At the pregnancy ticker on the side bar of the blog... I guess I've run out of time and it's decided that our baby is one day old. Ha! I wish I were so lucky! Chloe was born at 38 weeks and Cooper at 39. This stubborn little girl has now seen her due date come and go... She has to come out eventually, right?!


Lena Baron said...

Oh WOW! That is NO FUN!!! Good luck and I hope it's SOON!

Grossarths said...

We'll be thinking of you. I know how that is to be "overdue." I wish we could be there to meet your new little one!

Carissalayla said...

time to whip out the baby book and find a name that means stubborn!

PBJKLI Ussery said...

Yikes! My "little" Kate was 41 weeks at birth (induced) and weighed 9lbs 2oz. Yeah, it hurt. Hopefully, this one comes soon!! In the meantime... I have some questions for you... we ARE moving to Eugene and I wondered if I can get some referrals from you (or friends you have in Eugene) of OBGYN's there. I am 27 weeks along right now, but will need to schedule another appointment for January sometime. I know you're probably really busy, so if you can even e-mail me some names and numbers of friends you have and trust in Eugene, I wouldn't mind calling them. brooklynnussery@yahoo.com
(503) 250-3059 - cell
Good luck with everything! I'm sure it will all work out just fine and she'll be in your arms before you know it!
