"A house does not have to be perfect to be a home of joy, a child does not have to behave perfectly to love and be loved, and every moment of life does not have to be perfect to be of value. Too often, I realize, we fail to see the glorious reality of the simple joy that abounds in the seemingly mundane routine of day-to-day living. Instead, we tend to idolize the past, idealize the future, and devalue the present.... What better way to show our appreciation to Heavenly Father for what we have than to embrace our lives, albeit 'ordinary' and 'unexciting,' with joy?"

--Winnie Dalley; Ensign, March 1998

Saturday, December 11, 2010

On my to-do list:

I've had these websites open in windows on the computer for a couple days, so I figured I'd post them here so I won't lose the links. Maybe you'll want to try one too...


We're still alive and kickin'! Busy, busy, busy. Christmas is in full swing and we're gearing up for Piper's FIRST birthday! She is walking now and into just about everything... that helps explain why my to do list is only getting longer, not shorter!

And, while I'm at it, here are a few pics of the kiddos:

Chloe and Cooper supervising Justin while he put up the Christmas lights on the house

Piper loves eating (last night was teriyaki chicken, rice, and salad)! We're yet to find a food she'll reject.
Helping Grandma DD celebrate her birthday!

The Christmas tree is up and decorated. Not pictured: The large baby gate that surrounds it, to keep our climbing baby out of it!

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